Basic Module - MSc PROgrammes
Course Convenor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Martin Ruess
Linear & non-linear systems of equations (properties, numerical solution method, complexity ,algorithmic aspects); the engineering eigenvalue problem (algebraic properties, solution strategies, numerical solution methods and algorithmic aspects); Numerical algorithms (numerical interpolation, numerical differentiation, numerical integration in 1D, 2D and 3D); Algebra of relations (Boolean algebra, transitive closure), Graph theory (types of graphs and applications); Paths in networks (path algebra, weighted graphs)
Competences / Learning Outcomes
The participants have
- a solid understanding of and scientific insight to the mathematical foundations of computational engineering, including numerical and algorithmic aspects of modern software tools.
- the ability to
- derive and extend basic numerical algorithms
- implement, test and apply algorithms and numerical solution schemes in the context of engineering problems
- identify, characterize and assess the computational performance of algorithmic & numerical problems
The participants are familiar with
- the basic mathematics of computational methods
- modeling issues and error sources of the computational models
- the basic aspects of verification, validation and error control
Solid Programming Skills (Matlab|Java|C++), Foundations of Engineering Mathematics and Mechanics